WAG Mexico - Peace Festival

Wednesday, February 1, 2017 (All day) to Tuesday, February 28, 2017 (All day)

Open call (till January 13th 2017)

Dear WAG Members,

I hope this message finds you well, I am happy to share with you the refresh of the Art Mexico Logo and the Art Spirit Logo, that works specially for the Peace Projects.

At the last exhibition at th MAHG Museum Museo de Arte e Historia de Guanajuato, we where restricted by their calendar schedule, times and spaces, we try to send everybody their Certificates of Participation if you didn’t receive it please contact us: info.art.mexico@gmail.com.

So now we want to offer the artists both adults and chidren who worked for the Peace project a new opportunity with more possibilities of recognition and diffusion of their work, at the ACCORD Galeria where I direct, we are planning a Peace festival by February related to the month of love and friendship, where we can exhibit all the art works of the artists both in painting, photography, poetry for adults and painting for children.
We will like also to include new works done by Mexican artists and to invite WAG Net Members to participate in the proposal of a new video related to Peace and Friendship, sending us videos of you, children and adults of all ages answering this questions

1.What does Peace means to you?
2.What does friendship means to you?
3.Tell us a story about a memorable experience with a friend.

The idea is to make a collage of thoughts and insights into the international meaning of Peace and friendship and share it with the world.
The videos doesn’t need to be professional, they can be recorded with cellphones as long as the audio is comprehensible with a good volume and the image is not distorted or low quality.

- Full HD (1920x1080p)
- Maximum duration of each video: 2 min.
- Good Quality Audio
You can have ideas for the shots at
1. Close up Talking about Peace http://.www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALSRIpQCDK
2. Close-Ups People Talking About Peace: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3W1DSKneu4
3. Children Talking about Peace https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASdj7IGc8aQ

We also encouraged National Committees to participate sending their works, both Adult and Children, with the Peace theme in the disciplines of painting, photography and poetry.

Sending us images in
- 300dpis resolution
- Name of artist
- Title
- Country

Deadline to send your works via e-mail should be the 13th of January.
You can contact us anytime if you have questions at info.art.mexico@gmail.com and watch the advances of the Project at the funpages of Art Spirit, International World Art Games Mexico and ACCORDarte

Ingrid Rosas
Co-president WAG México

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